Our Charism
The gift of the Spirit to the Church and to the world through our congregation is COMPASSION which is manifested as compassionate involvement for liberation.
The name of the Congregation at the time of its origin was the Congregation of Our Lady of Seven Dolours. When it got affiliated as a Congregation to the Order of Mary in 1927 it acquired the name The Congregation of Servants of Mary Our Lady of Dolours. The word Servants of Mary was changed into Sorrows for contextual reasons. In the general chapter of renewal, for historical reason, prominence was given to its name in its origin and so it became the Congregation of Mother of Sorrows Servants of Mary.
The gift of the Spirit to the Church and to the world through our congregation is COMPASSION which is manifested as compassionate involvement for liberation.
Empowering women and setting fire in the hearts of youth for the reign of God is the mission entrusted to us by the Church through our Constitutions.
Drawing inspiration from Mary, the Mother and Servant of the Lord, we aim to transform the society into the people of the Resurrection.