young girls and boys below the age of 14 years who are in different labour spots like beedi preparation, gem cuttings, rice-mills etc are collected and divided into two groups-the one group consists of 25 children are engaged in part-time labour and are given part-time education.
While other group of 35 children are completely removed from the work spot and are given residential school.
Education and sum of Rs 100/-is given as stipend. When these children are academically fit for education they will be sent to regular schools.
Counseling was given to women in general and they were helped to solve the problems. Counseling aid was given to widows and encouraged them for marriage. Last year 15 marriages were settled. We have follow up programmes too. We are happy to know that among the beneficiaries of these programmes 75% are Dalit Christians.
To raise the economic status of the membera of the mMahalir Mandrams,bank loans were arranged for low interest to rear cattles, fowls etc.
We have created interest in saving from their earnings.this year all the Mahalir Mandrams together have saved Rs.50,000 which was deposited in the bank.
Most of the young girls who have completed 10th and +2 are trained in tailoring. Nearly sixty girls were trained in these centers.
Mahalir Mandrams were started in 27 villages. Social awareness programes were conducted. We enlightened them the basic needs and their rights. Trained them to have representation to collector to get their basic needs.
"Servite Mahalir Eyakkam" was started with the view to solve the problems of the villages. If the needs of the Villagers are not fulfilled by the mahlir Madrams, then all the mandrams were coordinated as a movement and plunge into action.
In five villages Sarcarpalayam, Ariyamangalam Kuvalagudi, Ottakudi and Gandhipuram, crèches were started with the help of Tamilnadu Social Welfare Board. The mothers leave their little babies in the creches and go for their work. This will help to raise the economic condition of their family. Nearly 150 babies are benefitted through this scheme.