
The product of our formation is an integrated religious woman with true inner freedom and spiritual maturity, who has grasped the characteristic charism and the spirit of the Congregation and who, while she is inserted into the culture of the region is open to the values and realities of the nation and the world as a whole.

The superior general is responsible for the formation of the sisters in the Congregation. The formation houses discover through life experience and dialogue how best a deep and authentic involvement with the local culture and people can be fostered. For this the trainees are exposed to the stark of the masses in the country.

Formation in all levels has the charism, spirit and the spirituality of our Congregation as the pivotal experience. Courses, retreats, exposure programmes and recollections are organized in such a way that they deepen and strengthen this pivotal experience.

Our Formation aims at counter-cultural communities where life itself is a strong protest against patriarchal, oppressive and consumerist culture. So clarifying the Gospel vision and living the Christian values take priority in formation in all stages.